Spiritual Families

God has given us such a gift: The church, not to be “like” our family, but to actually be our spiritual family. I find that to be so amazing and such a testament to God’s heart for us. God created us to be in a family; from the moment we entered the world. Yours may have looked different from everyone around you, either big or small. Maybe your family was and still is very broken, or maybe your family is Spiritual healthy. No matter what, God has a role for you in His story, in His family. Even when our families fail us or can not be present, we can engage people in our church as a family. When we live out the fruits of the spirit and bear each other’s burdens we are creating a family culture where it is okay not to be okay, where the lonely have community. In this family culture, we celebrate with each other and lament together. The hard part is that this is not something found but must be built through intentionality and vulnerability.
These are ways we believe you can engage your spiritual family:

1) Pray for God to open your eyes
Ask for Him to show you those who you can be family to not just those who can be family to you. Start with your own heart by being family to others.

2) Eat Together
On average, we eat 21 times a week not including coffee and treats. What would it look like for you to intentionally dedicate one or more of those meals to share with others? This could be after church. Gather people so you can get to know them better. Or you could get coffee with a coworker, or invite a neighbor over for dinner. Building relationships is best done around food.

3) Invite people into your Holidays
This does not mean you have to be the hostess with the mostess. Just invite them to join you in whatever you usually do each year. Put yourself in their shoes. If you had nowhere to go all you would want is a place to be with other people.

4) Show up and let people in
This may be going to your friend’s kid’s sporting events or helping to mow a lawn. This may be asking how someone is doing and being ready to listen. For some, this means allowing people to get close so that they can show up when you need your family. Pray and ask God to show you what that means for you.

5) At True Hope we believe in family
We strive to be intentional in the way we plan events or do missional communities so that they are intergenerational. This means grandparents can bring grandkids, friends can come, and all are welcome because all are valued at our Father’s table. For upcoming family events go to https://jesusistruehope.com/collister-events


How do we do good to all people?


How do you redeem your time?