Global Partnerships

At True Hope Church, we want to boldly live to give our lives away. Through our time, skill sets and resources, we believe living generously is the avenue through which God can change the world. Every year 10% of our annual budget goes straight into church plants, missionaries, nonprofits, and people in need.

As a church we want to partner with organizations/individuals that are taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth which means many of our partners are in closed countries and we don’t always get the opportunity to share about what God is doing in their ministry publicly.

For more ideas on how to become involved in God's global mission or to get involved contact


We support three indigenous missionaries in the Arab world through the Enduring Love Ministry. They are introducing Jesus to people in North Africa and the Middle East region, to make known His saving love, to disciple, and establish communities that will be rooted and sustained.

We are partnering with a Pioneers team (3 families) to start a church-planting movement among an unreached people group. This team is building relationships and using chronological Bible studies to introduce spiritually hungry Chadians to the good news.

We support three Turkish Pastors as they continue to share the Gospel with the local people and establish churches.

Give to earthquake relief efforts.

Africa New Life Ministries is a child sponsorship program located in Rwanda.


Jesse & Bethany Schlender work with CRU to see lost college students at Boise State University reached with the message of Jesus Christ, who then reach their campus, communities and the world.

Dan & Sarah Chetti work in Lebanon training and mentoring Arab pastors to go back to their home countries as well as ministering among the foreign migrant workers in Lebanon.

Ryan & Angela McCullough will be leading an international outreach in Wales.

Luke and Kelly Lyons work in the Philippines to disciple indigenous pastors and leaders to reach their city and world.


Eh So Min pastors the Karen Baptist Church that meets Sunday afternoons at True Hope Collister.







  • Sign up to receive prayer letters/e-mail updates from workers and pray regularly for them.

  • Purchase the Operation World book and pray for people in a different country each day.


  • Go on a short-term cross-cultural trip.

  • Use your profession to share the good news and Christ’s love among the nations.


  • Encourage one of our partners. Consider sending care packages.

  • Financially support one of our missionaries or projects.


  • Become a friendship partner with a New American through organizations like Glocal.

  • Introduce yourself to internationals in your neighborhood or while shopping.

  • Volunteer at a food bank or refugee outreach.