Engaging Kids in God’s World

When we think about handing our child a Bible, do these questions cross your mind?

  • When should I get them their first Bible?

  • Should I get a hard back or leather?

  • Should I wait until High School when they are are older so they can appreciate it?

  • Where should I start?

Waiting on this milestone may seem like it is of no consequence, but it can be. Why not wait? Because God’s Word is for your child. God wants to know them. Any child, no matter how young they are, can experience, discover and follow Jesus! Also, children long to be a part of adventure, a quest, a story bigger them themselves. Think about it. We love a good story, whether it is Harry Potter, Narnia, Star Wars, Little House On the Prairie, Dune, How to Train Your Dragon, or UP. These stories have all captured the hearts of people so deeply that we buy story themed merchandise and listen to sound tracks all so that we can be a part of that story.
So why not introduce your child to the most amazing epic story that was and is being written, the story they can find their place and their identity in. There are topics that may seem adult (yes use discernment) but if kids grow up thinking God can only handle white-washed perfect lives they will not know that God can and wants to be a part of their mess and can bring healing.

That said, here are some tips we use when looking for a kids bible.

  1. Pick a translation that is kids friendly, but also something they can grow into. Here are few I love for the different ages:

    1. Preschool: My First Hands-On Bible

    2. Elementary: NLT Hands-On Bible

    3. 4th Grade and up: NLT Teen Life Application Study Bible

  2. Look for Bibles with realistic illustrations and avoid over-cartooned images or themes.

  3. Leave the Bible out with your other books or out on a coffee table. They will be more likely to pick it up and flip through it when it is out where they normally play.

  4. Make it a priority to read with your child. Make this a special time that they get to spend with you learning how to use their Bible.


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