Family Advent Ideas

The Advent Season is here! Many ask how can they bring more meaning and less frenzy to Christmas each year.  As adults we know in our head that Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Jesus; the long-expected Emmanuel, God with us!  So, how do we slow down the Ho Ho Ho’s and engage our families in the true meaning of Christmas and remind our hearts what Christmas is about?

This year Matt and our team identified four pervasive LONGINGS that hinder us from experiencing true joy during the Christmas season.

    • The Longing for Freedom: because many of us feel trapped.

    • The Longing for Courage: because we feel anxious and fearful.

    • The Longing for Rest: because we are so busy and feel like there is not enough time.

    • The Longing for Hope: because we feel hopeless and stuck.

Then we identified four ways we can respond to Jesus, the Joy of Every Longing Heart and who overcomes all of those longings, and more.

    • To Worship Fully

    • To Engage Gratitude

    • To Be Present

    • To Live Generously

As you engage with the Advent Guide, each week you will discover the longing and then the response. The response is our action, putting hands to the beliefs of the heart and knowledge from the head.  Adults, you will be getting an adult look at the longings of your heart but this may be a bit hard to understand for children and some teens. The Family Ministry goal is to put tools in the hands of your family, your children and teens that can help bridge these longings or keep them at bay altogether.  Help your family develop these tools. Put these weekly challenges into practice and lead them to lifelong habits that honor God and gives Godly responses to our longings.

In the Advent Guide, for each week you will find an intro “Family Moment” and then a “Family Idea Challenge” on the next page. You are under no obligation to do all of these.  Our hope is that you will pick at least one each week and have fun building these faith conversations.  You are always welcome to brainstorm your own ideas of what to do as a family.  Though if you need a few more ideas to spark your creativity, you will notice on the Challenge page that we have included a QR code that will take you directly to our Family Resource page on the website where you will have 10 more ideas for each response. Maybe you want to keep this handy to practice all year long!

The key to the success of your Advent is making a plan and holding it as sacred.  Schedule a time with all family members to have dinner, or meet before bedtime, or if you are early birds to meet first thing one morning. Maybe Sundays will be your best day to stop and simply be together. Whatever you decide, stick to it!  Give this time to God and honor him by keeping it.

Please let us know how it is going! I would love to hear how you are living out Advent this season.  Send me your ideas or photos of activities. I would LOVE that!  The Sunday school teachers are in on this as well and may be asking the class to share how Advent is being lived out in their family!  We want to celebrate with you!

In Joy,


Here are more ideas for the Advent RESPONSE Challenges.


- Pick a Bible verse to start memorizing today

- Read a Psalm today (Try Psalm 100, 136, or 146)

- Read a story about Jesus’ life from the gospels

- Write a prayer to Jesus

- Write a poem about Jesus

- Act out the story of the angels & shepherds from Luke 2:8-20

- Sing a favorite praise song to Jesus

- Use toys to retell the Christmas story

- Write a list of 10 words that describe God

- Draw or color a picture of the Christmas story


- Help a parent or a sibling with a chore today

- Clean up a mess that you didn’t make today

- Make a Christmas card to send to a missionary

- Write a thank-you note to your teacher

- Give compliments to three people today

- Say thank you to God for five blessings He has given to you

- Hold the door open for others today

- Let others go first today

- Leave a thank-you note or treat for the mail carrier

- Hug five people today


- Draw a picture or write a note for your grandparents

- Make an “I Love You” note for a family member and hide it in their room

- Help prepare dinner for you family today

- Go on a family walk and admire God’s creation

- Learn how people celebrate Christmas in another country

- Turn out all the lights and sing or listen to Christmas carols by candlelight

- Make a video greeting to send to an out-of-state friend or family member

- Visit a live nativity scene today

- Make a blanket fort and read the Christmas story together inside

- Have a celebration dance party to some of your favorite Christmas carols


- Do a secret act of kindness for someone today

- Shovel a neighbor’s driveway or sidewalk today

- Collect change in your home/cars to bring to bell-ringers

- Share a treat with a friend or family member today

- Invite a family to come share Christmas treats and a movie with your family

- Donate a toy to someone in need

- Buy some groceries to donate to a food pantry

- Serve a meal at a local soup kitchen or homeless shelter

- Take Christmas cookies to a local police or fire station

- Pay for a stranger in the drive-thru today


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